Wednesday, July 23, 2014

BUMP PICS: I can't believe it's been 30 weeks!

30 WEEKS!!  That means only 10 to go!!  Or as my husband likes to say 8-12 to go.  We have has so many changes since the last blog!  I think the most exciting part is we found out we're having a GIRL!!!  Bring on the pink and the bows and anything frilly!!!

 Ultrasound pics from our 20 week appointment.  I wonder who our peanut will look like! 
PS. We have the "its a girl" pic too but I didn't want to gross anyone out :-)
We can't decide if she is waiving hi, saying STOP TAKING MY PICTURE, or my personal preference is she is singing STOP collaborate and listen... Either way that little hand is just adorable!

I stayed kickboxing through the month of June which was 26 weeks.  I really wanted to make it through June, the thought of leaving my kb girls and not having that constant exercise scared the crap out of me!  However, by the time I stopped it just wasn't worth it anymore.  I was barley able to move, my back hurt so bad I was seeing a chiropractor to feel better then go to another class and have to go right back.  I'm so glad I did it but I'm secretly happy to be on break until after baby girl is here!

We also moved to the suburbs!  We live in a fantastic house in Arlington Heights.  I have a garage and room for all of us and a washer and dryer and a back yard - it's heaven!  It also cut my commute time to work down to like 25ish minutes which will be SUPER helpful once the baby is here.  Bart and I have mixed feelings about leaving the city but we're a quick train ride/drive away and this is a much better place to raise our daughter (EEKS!!) The house is coming along, I have some pictures but don't want to post until I have the decorations hung up so stay tuned!

We moved when I was 27 weeks pregnant and I'll admit, it wasn't so easy.  I took a lot of time to pack and organize and go through everything.  I did put my 2 sizes of pre-pregnancy clothes in multiple bins based on season so they will be easily accessible when I need them.  My husband was great, he tried very hard not to let me lift anything as by the end of the day I could barley walk.  Our friend James also came to help us move and unpack and let me tell you - that guy was a GODSEND!!  Cannot thank him enough for all of his help!

Here are some bump picks since my last blog post - keep in mind this is over week 17 to week 30.

 At 23 weeks, we went to Iowa to visit the family - here is a pic of the cousins.
 My sister in law is also preggers and due the EXACT SAME DAY.  Here is the two of us, both at 23 weeks, both having a girl!  I can't wait to meet my baby niece!!!
 Tabby loves to snuggle with her sister.  Its actually pretty funny because Tabby will lay on my belly and purr and purr and the baby will kick her,Tabby's eyes will get really big like WHAT THE HECK IS IN THERE! 

 This is from the 4th of July so I was 27 weeks pregnant here, this was also after an entire day of unpacking.

 Momma was too tired to get ready this day - pony tail, glasses and something comfy!
30 Weeks!

At 28 weeks I had my glucose test.  They sent me home a couple visits before with this orange drink and directions, fast for 2 hours, drink the drink within 5 minutes and then you have to have your blood drawn within an hour so plan accordingly.  This was tricky as traffic was terrible!  But I passed the test and all is great.  The doctor did mention that I am retaining a lot of fluid and have quite a bit of swelling.  My ankles are not recognizable and I feel like the marshmallow man.  I will tell you my least favorite things to hear are "oh you have so much longer to go" and "it gets so much worse" please moms - don't say this to a pregnant woman.  I know it's going to get worse, I know I still have 10 weeks but please stop reminding me.

Another thing I'm so not used to is how tired and exhausted I am.  I remember when I was like 9-10 weeks pregnant I couldn't keep my eyes open at about 3pm ever day and I feel like I'm right back there.  There has been a couple nights in the last week where I've gotten home from work and taken like an 1.5 - 2 hour nap! It also may be because at night, getting up to pee 2-3 times doesn't help but hey I'll take what I can get!

I did try prenatal yoga and let me tell you it felt amazing!  You just feel all stretched out and loose and amazing.  The weird part was I was the only one in class with the instructor and apparently you do a lot of kegels during class.  So there were parts we're both just staring at each other, doing some kegels.  WEIRD!  At one point she asked how I do my kegels - UMMMM ARE THERE MULTIPLE WAYS!?!?!?!  So I decided this will be a much better thing for later in the pregnancy, in a few weeks I think I'll go back but for now I'll just do any kegels on my own thank you very much!

The next few weeks are going to be extremely busy - we're taking a trip to Missouri with the family, my sweet friend Courtland is throwing me a shower in Chicago and my parents are throwing us a BabyQ in Dubuque.  We will also be taking 4, yes 4 classes to prepare ourselves.  I know people have different opinions on this - I've heard "waste of money" from multiple people but you know what?  We're first time parents, we are both people who like to do research and take training to further our knowledge and if it makes us comfortable - that's what we're going to do! 

 I'll do my best to keep up with the blogging but bare with me as I may be taking a nap instead :-).