Saturday, October 27, 2012

Boogie's 3rd Birthday

My sweet nephew Charlie turned 3 this month!  Mom, Joe and I took a trip to Springfield, MO to celebrate!

We got Charlie a playset - Josh and Joe spent many hours working putting this together... I'm seeing a business in your future!

We went to Chuck E Cheese for Charlie's birthday party.  I'm not sure who had more fun... Charlie, Me, or Joe?!?!?

YEP!  I kick BUTT in skee ball!

It is always great to be there for Charlie's birthdays and watch my sweet nephew grow up!  I'm so proud of him and love being an auntie!  Until next year Springfield...

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Wau Wau Wuapaca

Did you know that "wau" means "water"?  Just ask my friend Rick... he will tell you all about it! 

We had the opportunity to spend a weekend on the lake in Waupaca, Wisconsin with some good friends!  It was a great opportunity for the boys to fish, me to learn to shoot guns, pumpkin carving, and one 35 degree dip in the lake by two un-named gentlemen.

Beautiful lake house that Chris's grandpa designed!

The happy couple

The Skallerups

The boys went fishing... I love how Bart is bundled up and Chris is in his shorts and t-shirt :-)

... while the children (and Monica) napped!!

Bart taught me how to shoot a gun.  The story behind this is: one time Bart handed me a loaded gun and I put my finger on the trigger (thinking I was super cool showing off my cute Charlie's Angel gun pose) and as he was lunging towards me I realized I probably should NOT shoot his TV... after that he was determined to teach me how to shoot.  After an intense gun safety course in my living room (with an unloaded gun) he decided it was time to try it out.  Believe it or not I did hit the target... once I figure out there was a dot at the end of the gun you're supposed to line up through the scope thing... ok maybe I need another lesson...

Pumpkins were carved!!

Notice who is better with children... Chelsea or Monica....

We had such a great weekend with the Skallerups and look forward to many more weekends of card games... don't think I won't making you all play until I finally win one!!!  Thanks for all the laughs!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

New Chapter - Live from Ukrainian Village

Hello friends!  Welcome to the new and improved "Iowa girl in the city" blog!  So much has changed and it only makes sense for my blog to change along with it, I mean it is ALMOST 2013... right?  (I promise to change background and pictures and such once I figure out how!)  I want to continue to document life's wonderful moments and am committed to using this forum!

Let's start with my change in location.  I still love living in the great city of Chicago and have recently moved to a new and improved neighborhood, Ukrainian Village.  I absolutely love the new digs, my awesome sister-in-law helped me to decorate the apartment, and it took my parents about two whole days to completely unpack, hang, and organize everything.  I'm not sure what I would do without these great people in my life!

Since this phote was taken - I have added the photo wall below:

This is the kitchen

To toast to the new apartment, I hosted a fall themed Open House where many friends were able to stop by and cheers the new digs.  WIth many ideas from Pinterest, this fall party turned out pretty crafty.  THANKS to everyone who made it!!!  I did not do a great job of taking pictures with my guests, I'll remember that for next time!

Looking forward to sharing all the fun memories I have in this new apartment... stay tuned...