Saturday, April 19, 2014

Experiencing Pregnancy - 16 Weeks and Counting

Hello all!  Time sure flies when you’re having fun!  So an update on what’s all going on with us… Bart started his new job at Ulta.  He is a Project Manager for their Sales Operations department.  In true Bart fashion, he has been busy meeting with every single person he can get a hold of and already making starting trends like “Tie Tuesday”.  Doing what he does best, he is building relationships and already making a name for himself.  Couldn't be more proud of that man!  We are preparing to leave on 4/22 for our trip to Paris and Poland, I had a brief moment of panic last weekend when I realize we were going for 12 days and I don’t even own 12 maternity shirts! For me, work is really busy – no time to relax much there, I’m still teaching kickboxing and trying to get in any exercise I can before collapsing at the end of the day.  Getting used to all the changes in our life is something you would think I’d be good at by now since I love living in a constant state of change but for now we will just take it all one day at a time J

Here are some pics over the past month of my growing bump (sorry for the terrible selfie quality):

 Top: Kohl's  Jeans: Gap

 I had to change up my workout clothing.  A good tip I got was not to stretch your current tops over your belly b/c when you're not pregnant all of you workout clothes will be too big.  I got this top from Old Navy for pretty cheap.  These workout bottoms are from Gap Maternity section.

 Top: Motherhood Maternity   Jeans: Motherhood Maternity

 Top: Target (not maternity boyfriend sweater)  Pants: Motherhood Maternity

I thought I would share some of the things I've learned so far in this pregnancy.  NOTE: ALL PREGNANCIES ARE DIFFERENT; do not think that just because I had this experience that you will.

Your Body is No Longer Yours: I fully believe that in your late 20’s/early 30’s you start to feel comfortable in your own body.  I was to a weight/muscle mass I was happy with and felt like I had things under control.  Now, I don’t even recognize this body.  There are things changing and shifting and everything is just different.  Let’s further explore some of these changing shifting differences…
~        Fat… everywhere: Your body like collects fat in random places.  My thighs now touch… awesome!  Also, I now have back fat – I’ve never ever had back fat in my entire life but now… oh it’s there by the handfuls!
~        Hyper-aware of EVERYTHING:  With my experiences so far with this pregnancy, I have no idea when to freak out over a pain or know when it’s “normal.”  But you suddenly realize every single thing that is going on.  For example, there is round ligament pain which you feel sometimes when you twist or move a certain way or just when your uterus decides to grow.  There is also a medical term that I learned… wait for it… Lightening Crotch!  I swear to you – Google it!  It means different things at different stages of your pregnancy.
~        What is a bowel movement again?  PS. Enjoy going to the bathroom whenever you want because this situation gets much much much more difficult when pregnant.  I won’t go into gross details just expect the worst and hopefully you’re pleasantly surprised. Best kept secret… Colace!
~        Pregnancy Gingivitis: YEP!  It’s a thing!  I went to the dentist and luckily I had a very mild case (the fact I haven’t been to the dentist in a year didn’t help) but ladies – GO TO THE DENTIST!  They showed me videos with severe cases and no one wants bloody gums!

Unexpected Unexplained Crying: So I’m not very emotional, everyone knows that.  I found myself in a very odd situation a few weeks ago.  I was watching Real Housewives of New York and the skinny tall model crossed the finish line of some mud run / warrior dash type race and I burst into tears.  I was so happy for her accomplishment I was overwhelmed with compassion and joy.  I shared this story with my co-worker who went home to watch the episode – she came to work the next day and said “Monica I have no idea what you were crying over, there was not a sappy moment in entire episode”. 

Comparing myself to others:  I happen to be in a position where I know 5 people that are due within 1 month before or after me, and I have a LOT of friends who have recently had children.  What this does for me is gives me an endless supply of people to ask really random questions to and get lots and lots of information.  The hard part is not to compare myself to others.  I learned that everyone gains weight differently; I was in maternity pants at like 12 weeks where I know people further along than me still in their regular pants.  People feel things at different times, I have no idea what I’m looking for – is that gas or a kid moving around?  I love my friends and I love asking them about every little thing going on, it’s just good for us all to remember that we don’t have to be the same.

Husbands don’t have to change… right away: I had this conversation with my friend Courtland and I think it’s the best advice I’ve gotten so far.  My body is changing, I’ve changed a lot of my lifestyle – food, alcohol, workout intensity, My mind in on this peanut 24/7.  It’s a little different for husbands.  They get to hear us talk (or whine) about how we’re feeling.  They feel empathy.  They understand the financial changes and even location changes that may have to happen before this peanut arrives.  But I would go as far as to say they really don’t get it quite yet.  I think when our bundle of joy is crying or pooping or needing daddy, husbands step right up to the plate but before then, it’s hard for them to imagine.  I try to remember this and give Bart a break when he says or does something not so smart but man sometimes it’s hard to remember!

Well that's all my thoughts for now.  I'll catch you all up again after our trip to Paris and Poland. Paris has always been a bucket list thing for me and I'm soooo excited that I get to go there with my husband and we will get to show peanut the first time we traveled out of country.  I'm also excited to visit Poland and meet some of my extended family and see where Bartosz grew up.

Thanks everyone for your support - I love you all!