Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day in the City

Erik and I went for dinner with our neighbor memorial day weekend. It started out being a normal evening, we sat on the patio at "Smokie Bones". That is something we cherish in the city- a pation. A restaurant with a good patio will literally become a favorite solely because of their patio, it doesn't really matter your prices or the quality of your food - if you have a patio, you are guaranteed business.

As we are sitting on the patio eating our brisket (we don't have a patio at home to grill so we need to eat bbq on a patio at a restaurant, or something like that anyway), 4 fire trucks pull up to the street. One so much as bullies a 4 runner to reverse down the street. As we look up, the apartment on top of the dry cleaners next door is on fire. You can literally see flames. No one really seems to be panicking... even the fire fighters are tra-la-laing around. Finally they put a latter up to the balcony, one climbs up the latter and stares. Literally they just stare at the fire. So we finish our dinner and hop across the street to take a better look.

Aparently a barbeque (also known as a GRILL) started on fire. HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY! So of course Erik and I pose for a picture in front of the fire - I mean that seems appropriate, right???

What a random evening!

Look above the cleaners sign - you will see the "fire" and "fire fighter".

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