Monday, May 3, 2010

Someone has a case of the Mondays...

Its Monday morning just like any other Monday morning... I'm walking to the train, I got my headphones on listening to some music. About 7:50 amI get to the platform at Belmont and wait for my train. When you have your ipod on, you can tell a train is coming but you can't tell from which way - so I look down the station to see if the lights are coming my way. There was a gentleman looking down at the tracks with his hands in the air with a "what the Hell" kind of expression. The train comes to a SCREECHING STOP. Smoke everywhere. In my head I was thinking - really? Did they just stop the train b/c he was too close to the edge? That seems silly, I need to get to work.

Then I hear a woman SCREAMING at the top of her lungs "oh my god oh my god noooooo". So I pull off my ipod and we all start migrating towards the stopped train. A man pale as a ghost is walking by and I grab his arm asking what happened. He said a man just jumped infront of the train. Then you smelled it... it smelled like burning hair (did you know the train tracks are electrical? I didn't). I am just standing there FROZEN, the guy is under the train and CTA members are running like crazy back and forth. A girl I work with came up to me and was like, uh Monica - we need to go to work lets go. I felt like my feet were glued to the ground - I absolutely could not move. So finally the fire department starts clearing us out - I finally got to work about 9:45am by a co-worker who came to get me.

As the day went on I was completely in shock - I needed to find my feeling box and get those feelings stuffed down in there. As I worked through my change management process - I started to get angry, I mean really angry! Ok I get it - you want to die - this is your choice. You have already made that decision. Now the 2 busiest commuting times in Chicago are 8am Monday morning and about 4:30pm Friday night. Now, if you are selfish enough to actually kill yourself - how about we not do it at one of the busiest travel times - if you're going to jump in front of a train - do it at 3:00pm on a Wednesday. I promise the trains go just as fast and you won't mess up thousands of people's days. GEEZE!!

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