Wednesday, June 8, 2016

My Unsuccessful External Cephalic Version (ECV)

I'm currently 37.5 weeks pregnant and my little guy has been breech my entire pregnancy.   I've never wanted a c section and would try anything to get this baby to flip.  I've been going to the chiropractor doing the Webster technique, I've done inversions, cat/cow poses, pees on my tummy, you name it to get this baby to turn.  My absolute last resort was a version.  After many conversations with my midwife and husband (and a few google searches) I decided I absolutely did not want a version but I didn't want a c section more so with that we scheduled our version.

Now, I've read a lot of stories and talked to a lot of people who have had them and what I will say is EVERYONE IS LYING!  Obviously everyone's experience is completely different and I'm sure many will disagree with my description but I want to share my experience, so here goes...

Our appointment was at 10:30, we had to be there at 9:30.  No food after midnight, no liquids after 7am.  We got there and went right up to the labor and delivery floor.  I was given a robe and told to strip and settled in the hospital bed.

Let's pause here for a second... The last time Bart and I were in the labor and delivery room was the day Sophia was born - the last time I laid in that bed my baby had just been whisked away to the NICU and they were working to get me to stop bleeding.  I think Bart and I both had some no joke flashbacks to that day the second we entered that room.  Bart's first comment was wow - the floor is so much cleaner without your blood all over it.

So back to yesterday, the nurse went through all the necessary paperwork and questions and started my IV.  They had an OB resident come in and do an ultrasound to make sure that the baby was still breech - which of course he was.  He's been in the same position for a long time - sitting cross legged butt down, his head up against my heart.  Everyone keeps telling me he's stubborn (which oddly bothers me), I like to think he's just zen - he's in a meditation pose.  

Next the anesthesiologist came in to give me my epidural.  She did awful!  She missed twice and I had shooting pain down my right side, and then left side.  Girl could not get it in straight.  Once we were finally set we were ready to call in the OB.  The OB explained the procedure to me while they were waiting for me to numb and the room started spinning, I interrupted him to tell him I was going to vomit.  They moved me to my side, Bart thinks I may have passed out briefly - I honestly don't remember.  The OB did a great job at going over to Bart and explaining everything that was going on - don't know what it is about that damn room that causes so much drama!  

Let me be very clear - I fought tooth and nail to not have an epidural.  I mean how bad could it really be?  Let me tell you I was SO WRONG - I'm soooooo glad my midwife made me get an epidural, there is no way I could have done it without.  First, they wanted to try to move him counter-clockwise.  They literally went over my skin and dug in their fingers until their hands were under the baby lifting him up and then pushed with all of their might to get him to move.  His head would move or his butt would move but he was not flipping.  They tried 4 times.  The doctor's forearms were literally shaking he was pushing so hard.  He kept having to take breaks and stretch his arms - and he is a strong man.  They tried so hard so many times and he felt so bad that baby boy wouldn't move.  After the 4th attempt he didn't feel it was safe to try again and said we needed to accept he wasn't going to flip.

It was the weirdest feeling.  I had an epidural so I didn't feel pain but the pressure was CRAZY1  They were pushing down so hard that I literally couldn't breathe and my reaction was to push back.  I kept saying my mommy instincts are to get you the hell out of my uterus and away from my baby.  Truly relaxing was impossible.  It was one of my least favorite experiences of my life.  I would never recommend it to anyone - even if it would have worked I'm not sure I would, it really was that awful.  We stayed 2 hours to get monitored and then got to leave.  By this point it was 2:00 and I hadn't eaten or drank all day - I was HANGRY!

Then the real fun began... being sore doesn't begin to describe last night.  Every time he would move, I would wake up and feel like I was just punched in the stomach.  Imagine your most intense workout and the next day when you're super sore and then someone coming up and kick or pinching your sore muscles.  Today was better because I went to work and moved around all day but I sure feel it.  I am already forming bruises all over my stomach and back.  It's just amazing!

So now we're scheduling a c section - I will get my head wrapped around that procedure and do a bunch of research and report back.  Again, I'm sure people do versions all the time where we barley tap on the baby and it flips right away - that just wasn't my experience and I wanted to share it.  If you're considering having a version please call me first and please please please accept an epidural if they offer it to you!

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