Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Daddy, Mommy, Sophia, and Baby-to-be: an update on our crazy life!

It's been awhile since I've caught up on my blogs.  Typical Sitarski's - we prefer to do everything all at once just to make our lives a little bit more interesting.

First let's start with my wonderful husband.  He's been at Brightstar for a year now and is doing great. He got some time on the motorcycle this summer and fall which makes him so happy.  I'm secretly a little happy it's stored away for the winter (one less thing to worry about).  Our 2nd anniversary was the beginning of December and we had the chance to get away for a weekend in Galena to celebrate.  We were able to catch up on sleep and walk around without a stroller or diaper bag.

Our little Sophia - she is just the craziest sweetest little monkey!  She's almost 15 months - running around like crazy.  She loves to smile and play and never stops moving. NEVER STOPS MOVING.  I picked her up from daycare yesterday and she hugged one of her little friends and then stole a cape from her.  Enough said.

I'm currently in grad school for my MBA in Organizational Behavior.  I've always wanted to get my MBA, when I was single and had all the time in the world I had zero desire to do so.  But after getting a severance letter last year it made me realize that no job is forever and just because I've been loyal to a company for nearly 13 years doesn't mean much in this market.  So I guess now is the time I will choose to do this.  I've completed 2 classes so far and have 14 to go (Lord help me).  So far the classes have been good but way more work outside of class than I thought.  I have no idea why I would think an MBA wouldn't be a lot of studying but I don't really think I was prepared to take this on.  Bart is so supportive!  He loves his daddy/daughter days when I'm at class.  I absolutely could not do this without his support.  Only about 2 years left hunny!

Our newest news is that we are currently expecting baby number 2!  So far this pregnancy has some similarities and differences to Sophia.  We are extremely lucky and got pregnant right away just like last time.  The first 10ish weeks were actually pretty easy other than being tired and SUPER moody (sorry babe).  Being pregnant with your first you can nap all the time, being pregnant with a toddler running around means no napping for mama - just a lot of running on empty.  I'm also showing way earlier in this pregnancy.  I just had Sophia a year before I got pregnant (almost to the day) and I nursed for a year so my body wasn't in top shape this time.  With Sophia I started really showing at like 19 weeks, this time it was more like 9 weeks.  By 10 weeks I was in full on maternity clothes and hoping to hide it for a few more weeks.  We will find out the sex of the baby at 20 weeks, I can't wait!  Part of me thinks a girl will be easier because everything in our house is already pink.  The other part of me would like to experience having a boy too.  Only 6 more weeks until we find out :-).

Around 10.5 weeks we started having a similar experience to Sophia's.  The spotting and cramping and bleeding were all too famaliar!  Both times we went in we were able to find a heartbeat right away and our midwife was super sweet and get the ultrasound so we could get a view of the bambino.  It was a stressful two weeks but at our appointment at 13.5 weeks our midwife ran any test she could and found there was no medical reason to worry.  Stuff happens that you can't avoid and we chose not to do genetic testing, there is always the possibility something could go wrong but today there is no reason to worry.  So what caused the bleeding both times?  It is called a subchoronic bleed.  It happens in 3% of pregnancies.  It's basically like a blood blister that forms in your uterus.  They typically do not cause a miscarriage.  When asking my midwife about her experience, she said she typically sees them in 2nd pregnancies and she has never seen the same mom have it in multiple pregnancies.  Leave it to me to be just a little different!

Well there is an update on our wild and crazy life!  1.3 kids, 2 years of marriage. 2 full time jobs, one MBA and 2 people who are trying to balance it all and have a little fun too!

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