Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sophia's Baptism

The weekend of Sophia's baptism was extra special with all the family around.  My Mom & Joe and aunts, uncles and grandparents all came up early to spend some extra time together.  Josh, Alice, my niece Edith and nephew Charlie (Boogie) flew in Saturday morning.  It was so fun having the cousins together!  Sophia is obsessed with Charlie and fascinated with sweet Edith. 

The day of the baptism was a such a beautiful day.  My little peanut looked so cute in her headband made by my sister in law's sister, Aggie.  She is one lucky lady to be surrounded by so many people who love her. 

 But Mom I was napping and now you want me to look cute, life is hard sometimes.

 "you're going to do what?"  

 This Deacon was seriously wonderful!  He was funny and sweet and explained every part of the ceremony.  We couldn't have picked a better church!

 Sophia has the best god parents - mommy's big brother, Josh and daddy's cousin, Anna.

 At the church

 With Sophia's Habel Grandparents at the church

All of the grandparents at the church

Some of the decorations

We had a good friend come and take photos of us after the baptism.  I love the pics we got - thank you Katy!!

 Our little family.
That quilt is special to me, my Mom received that from my great-grandmother as a bridal shower present.  I remember when Josh and I were small we used to fight over who got to sit on it.  Thanks Mom for passing it along so Sophia can play on it now.

 Anna has always been a special part of Bart and I's relationship.  Anna is the closest thing Bart's had to a sister.  Anna accepted me into the family right away and we've always had a special bond.  Anna read a poem during our wedding ceremony and now is a major part of our Sophie's life.  When we were thinking of who we wanted as Sophia's godmother - we wanted someone who would always be there for her, who she could trust and go to with anything.  I hope if there is ever anything Sophia doesn't feel comfortable coming to me with, she will go to Anna.

She's like hmmm.... you look like my mom but different and I like you a lot but I don't know you - how confusing.

 My big brother has always been there for me.  Because of this, I know he will be the best godfather for Sophia.  My brother is also one of the best dad's I know so the godfather role will come extra natural.  Josh walked me down the aisle at our wedding - he was my rock that day and I sure hope if Sophia ever needs it, Josh can be her rock one day too. 

 Sophia with her Nana and Papa - the bond between these three is something only they can explain.

 How cool - Josh and my families together.

 Great Grandma Rosie and Great Grandpa Gordy

 Thank you all so much for coming for the weekend - this is one amazing family we are so blessed to be a part of!

 I may be biased, but Mom - you did pretty damn good!

 Nana and Papa with their grandkids.

 Great Grandparents with the grandkids!

 Woah - one where everyone is looking at the camera :-)
Bart's parents looked FANTASTIC!!  

 With the Sitarski / Scott clan.  Sophia sure is one loved little lady!

 With her cousins - man those kids clean up well!

 My angel.  Sophia you are the best thing that has ever happened to Mommy and Daddy!  We are so proud of you every single day and love you more than I can ever explain through the words on this page.  I can't wait to spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love you every single day.

 Mom/Joe and Bart's Parents

Four generations!
Someday Sophia will learn how much strength and independence is in this picture!

A sincere thank you to all who traveled and joined in Sophia's special day!

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