After my last blog of Mom and Joe coming to visit us - we got a bonus visit! My sister in law went to NY to see her sister so my brother, Josh, piled my BOOGIE (aka. best nephew in the existence of the world) into his batmobile and drove home to Iowa. Josh, Charlie, Mom, Joe and I spent the weekend together. It was WONDERFUL to get the bonus time with my wonderful nephew (ok.. and my brother...). Below is a pic of us in a friendly sibling snowball fight. I'm sorry to say that Charlie has a better arm than I do... wonder where he got those genes...
To celebrate St. Pattys day, our friend James joined us in Chicago for the festivities! We started off at Sunrise with breakfast to give us a good base. Then we met up at the river with Rick, Izik and Matt.
After the freezing trip to the river, we hit up a nice and cozy Irish pub (I mean where else would we go?!?!) Take a look at Bart's beard below... he took that from someone at the bar and has insisted we keep it for next year. Lord... help me to accept the things I cannot change....
Izik, Matt, Monica, Bart (in a hideous beard)
Me and my boo
James and Monica
Some of Bart's college friends were gathering in Milwaukee, we made the jaunt up to have dinner, drinks and story telling hour(s). This was such a great group... we had so much fun! I can't wait to see this group again! Thank goodness for Bart's love for driving because when we got in the car at midnight for the 1.5 hour drive home, I promptly feel asleep and woke up about 5 minutes before we got home. Thank you baby for getting us home!
Jen, Tony, Jason, Bart - squirly group!!
The next weekend we made another trip to Milwaukee for Easter. I attended my first Sitarski/Scott/Murphy Easter. We ate too much had had some great laughs! We are so blessed to have two wonderful families!
Cousin Pic!
In the spirits of friends and fun, Bart and I had a great dinner with Dan and Amanda Donato. Dan is one of Bart's groomsmen and I had yet to meet him! Dan and Amanda are such wonderful people! I'm sooooo happy they are a part of our big day! I look forward to many many more nights with the beautiful Amanda and having these two to teach us all of the family life lessons!
The beautiful Donatos: Amanda & Dan
Dan & Bartosz
All in all February and March were very busy and entertaining months! Welcome to the craziness of our happy lives :-).
Glad to be part of your crazy and happy lives! :-) Izik