Saturday, October 13, 2012

New Chapter - Live from Ukrainian Village

Hello friends!  Welcome to the new and improved "Iowa girl in the city" blog!  So much has changed and it only makes sense for my blog to change along with it, I mean it is ALMOST 2013... right?  (I promise to change background and pictures and such once I figure out how!)  I want to continue to document life's wonderful moments and am committed to using this forum!

Let's start with my change in location.  I still love living in the great city of Chicago and have recently moved to a new and improved neighborhood, Ukrainian Village.  I absolutely love the new digs, my awesome sister-in-law helped me to decorate the apartment, and it took my parents about two whole days to completely unpack, hang, and organize everything.  I'm not sure what I would do without these great people in my life!

Since this phote was taken - I have added the photo wall below:

This is the kitchen

To toast to the new apartment, I hosted a fall themed Open House where many friends were able to stop by and cheers the new digs.  WIth many ideas from Pinterest, this fall party turned out pretty crafty.  THANKS to everyone who made it!!!  I did not do a great job of taking pictures with my guests, I'll remember that for next time!

Looking forward to sharing all the fun memories I have in this new apartment... stay tuned...


  1. I want to come dance in your new apartment :/ Looks like you did a great job though!! Love it!

  2. Awesome the blog is back!!! The apartment looks great and now I am hungry for a Chicago ya lots!
