Saturday, October 2, 2010

My first Sprained Ankle

My friend Allison were walking along and I was talking, as usual, telling some story when I stumbled only to biff it hardcore and land on my hands and knees. My first reaction was to get up but I was literally seeing white. I felt pain so bad that I thought I was going to pass out. I slowly got up and my ankle hurt so bad with every step - I giggled through the pain of course.

I got back to my cube and took a look at my enlarging ankle, some co-workers came over to get the scoop. One of them promptly went to get what we refer to as the "dumbass" award and another went to get me an ice pack - gee, whose nicer??

So I spent the last 2 days with my leg elevated, icing on and off every 20 minutes. It takes about 5 minutes before I'm dreadfully bored. You have no idea how difficult it is to do the simplest tasks like carrying laundry or walking up 4 flights of stairs or doing my hair standing on one foot. It is getting better but what an idiot to completely biff it walking.

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