Date: 2/25/14
How far along? 9
Baby is the size of
a: Green Olive
Symptoms: Dizzy,
moody, nauseous when I don’t eat, spotting stopped about 5 days ago (WOOHOO). I had my first experience with some terrible
gas pains/heart burn, about 6 tums later I felt almost normal again.
Sleep: Not
terrible except when I get up to pee I don’t usually fall back asleep – which
is fine when its 5am but not as great when it’s 2:30am
Anything Making Me
Queasy or Sick: Same as last week - as long as I eat something every couple
hours, I’m ok – I get super nauseous when I’m hungry.
What I miss: My
new size smaller jeans – I wore them the other day and I was in so much pain by
the end of the day it was miserable.
Weddings Rings On or
Off: On
Movement: No baby
movement for awhile
Maternity Clothes:
Nothing new – I have one size bigger clothes that I’m going to pull out soon!
Best Moment of the
Week: The first day I didn’t spot
all day – Bart and I literally high-fived and I think I jumped up and down.
What I’m excited
about/looking forward to: I GET TO SEE THE BABY ON FRIDAY… only 3 more
sleeps and I get to see the bambino!!!