I have had some random stuff happen to me since I moved to the city of Chicago so I decided to blog about it. I spent the majority of my life in small town Iowa where you know your neighbors and everyone looks out for each other. I have known my best friend since I was 5 and still talk to her all the time. My parents are good people, like actual GOOD people. We have a farm - its my quiet vacation get away. One of my favorite things to do is go out with my family back home - we are close and I know they will ALWAYS be there for me no matter what!
So when my boyfriend finally convinced me to move into the city I was anxious, scared, nervious, interested, curious, excited but most of all I was trying to be a "big girl" and make sure that noone knew I was feeling any of those. We chose an apartment in a safer neighborhood (more to come on that) with a close (1/2 mile) walk to the train and a parking space (which was taken away after 2 months).
So we put all of our stuff in a pod and store it for three weeks until we find a place. (thanks again Tammy & Rob for your basement). Erik set up 7 different appointments for us to look at places and we finally found our first apartment in the city. We called the pod people to have it delivered and apparently you cannot park a pod in the Chicago city limits unless you have a drive way. I'm not sure if I've ever actually seen a driveway in Chicago but we surely didn't have one. So we had 2 options:
1. Rent a UHaul go out there unload the pod into the uhaul, then drive into the city, unload the uhaul into the apartment, then drive the uhaul back to the burbs.
2. Hire a moving company for $700 to do it all for you.
If you're not sure which I chose - you don't know me very well!!
Next, I had to learn the CTA. It really isn't that complicated once you get used to it - of course I had to do a dry run prior to my first day of work to make sure I was comfortable riding the train by myself. Turns out all is good - next thing to master is the bus system - that I am thoroughly confused (probably b/c I don't know N, S, E, W from up or down).
Now the fun can begin...